Table of Contents
1 About Guewen Baconnier
Developer and technical lead at Camptocamp. Programs mainly in Python but enjoys to discover all kind of technologies.
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/guewenb
- GitHub: https://github.com/guewen
- Keybase.io: https://keybase.io/guewen
2 Technologies
2.1 At work
- Python
- JavaScript
- Docker & docker-compose
- PostgreSQL
- Ionic, Cordova
- Rancher
- Grafana, Kibana
- Vim, Spacemacs
2.2 I also have much interest in…
- Rust
- Elm
- Elixir
3 Some projects
3.1 Odoo related
- Odoo addons for developers, documentation is combined on http://odoo-connector.com/
- Queue Job: https://github.com/oca/queue
- Component system and Connector framework: https://github.com/oca/connector/
- Asynchronous connector between Magento and Odoo: https://github.com/OCA/connector-magento/, documentation: http://odoo-magento-connector.com/
- Asynchronous connector between JIRA and Odoo: https://github.com/camptocamp/connector-jira
- A pytest extension for Odoo testing: https://github.com/camptocamp/pytest-odoo/
- A base Docker image to run Odoo projects https://github.com/camptocamp/docker-odoo-project
- A migration tool used in the Docker image above https://github.com/camptocamp/marabunta
3.2 Various
- A Python library for the PrestaShop Web-service https://github.com/guewen/prestapyt
- Organize randomized gifts in a group of people, send an email to each person with the person they have to take care of (in Rust) https://github.com/guewen/gifts
4 Talks
- A Jobs Queue for processing tasks asynchronously http://guewen.github.io/odoo-2015-connector-queue-job/#1